Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dear Friends, 

The Christian faith is unrelenting in its expectation that human beings should practice honest self-criticism.  Socrates said the same thing: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  

Yet Christianity declares an important truth which in a sense precedes self-examination.  Christianity proclaims that we came into this world loved and loveable. For many of us, that truth got twisted along the way.  It got buried.  It lies hidden.

Why does this matter?  It matters because we must learn to see what is hidden from us. We must rediscover the deep well of love for us and in us.  We must rediscover our capacity to shine light and share grace.  

As we engage in this process of rediscovery, we are then able to uncover and bring to the light our blind spots.  Who doesn’t have blind spots?  Who doesn’t need to be forgiven?  Who doesn’t need behavior modification?  I can safely say, “All of us.”  

This Sunday, we will look at how easily human beings deceive themselves, cover the truth, and lose sight of what matters the most. 

I hope to see you on Sunday. 
