What is Congregational Life?
Fellowship and encouragement at Talmadge Hill Community Church is God-inspired, open and welcoming to all, offering rich, spiritually driven opportunites that are relevant to our personal lives.
Gatherings at Talmadge Hill:
Talmadge Hill promotes intentional gatherings that foster and deepen our sense of community and offer a context to reflect on and nourish our spiritual lives. Congregational life engagement activities seek to be enriched through prayer, bible study, missions, music and care ministries.
In the near future, we hope to return to the following traditional gatherings:
Annual All Church Retreat
Annual Mother’s Day Worship and Brunch
Annual Father’s Day Picnic
Separate Groups for Men and Women:
Men's Group — The “Cornfield” meets the first Saturday of the month Learn more...
Women’s Group-- The "Circle" meets the second Saturday of the month Learn more...