
Talmadge Hill Community Church (THCC) has always appreciated this simple truth – God’s Love belongs to everyone.  Yet every day, basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare are denied vast numbers of people around the world. In the face of these realities we offer 22% of our budget as our response to these disparities. 

In 2024, the Missions Committee continued its commitment to providing direct support to our partner organizations. We continue to build those relationships and entertain new requests that support our mission and vision.

The following organizations received monetary support in 2024:

Local Organizations:

A Better Chance House – Darien, CT

Bridgeport Rescue Mission – Bridgeport, CT

Building One Community – Stamford, CT

Department of Children and Family Services, Foster Care Unit – Bridgeport, CT

Fairfield County Trauma Response Team - Stamford, CT  

Homefront - Stamford, CT

Horizons GFA - Bridgeport, CT

Kids Empowered by Your Support – Bridgeport, CT

SOAR Together/Flower Power - Redding, CT

The Rowan Center - Stamford, CT

National Organizations:

Fraternite of Notre Dame – Harlem, NY

Mercy Chefs – Portsmouth, VA

The Midnight Run – New York, NY

Simply Smiles – Children’s Village on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation

International Organizations:

Children’s Rescue Mission - Honduras

Crossing Thresholds – Kenya

Sunflower of Peace – Ukraine 

But, distributing money is only part of the THCC Missions story.  We are also a community who believes that relationships, both with members of our church community and with our partner organizations are at the heart of who we are as a community of faith. We build those relationships by identifying and participating in hands on opportunities that bring us in direct contact with the people our Mission partners serve.

In 2024, the Talmadge Hill Missions Committee:

  • organized Breakfast Runs to feed the homeless poor in New York City,

  • attended an end-of-year picnic for the ABC House to present the graduating senior with laptops to start their college careers,

  • organized a Flower Power event, bringing our community together to help SOAR Together’s mission to help end loneliness and isolation

  • revitalized a home and yard in Bridgeport through Homefront,

  • provided backpacks and school supplies for kids in foster care in Bridgeport,

  • provided over 500 bags of candy for the annual Christmas party at the Fraternite of Notre Dame in Harlem,

  • provided food and gift cards for foster families, and

  • gave Christmas gifts for the kids served by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) through our Angel Tree program.

We look forward to continuing and the work of God through our Missions programs and connections in 2025.