Women’s Circle
We invite you to join the Women's Circle, our wonderfully diverse group of women. All are welcome to join the gatherings, whether or not you participate in the worship life of the church.
Join us on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00-11:00am to share our lives and support each other on our spiritual journeys.
All women are also welcome to join a Covenant Group. Covenant Groups consist of 3-8 women and meet regularly (approximately every two weeks) to share life in relationships characterized by safety, trust, vulnerability, authenticity and transparency. They are called “covenant” groups in order to establish that they are based on grace (not law), built on love (not fear), are nourishing (versus limiting), and rely on honesty and affirmation in order to live and relate in healthy ways.
To learn more about The Circle and/or Covenant Groups, please contact talmadgehillchurch@gmail.com.
Men’s Cornfield
The men of Talmadge Hill have been gathering each month for nearly twenty years, warmly welcoming any man who wishes to have a deeper connection to his life, his work and his family. It has been called the “Cornfield” which is a reference to the book Illusions by Richard Bach in which two men landed their biplanes in a cornfield to learn the deeper mysteries of life through their conversation and personal exploration.
Meetings take place on the first Saturday of the month at 8:00am throughout the year and are open to Talmadge Hill members and non-members. All men are welcome!
Each meeting includes a welcoming that invites each man to “check in” and let the other men know what’s happening in his life. Usually a question is posed to invite deeper reflection on our lives, our faith and our relationships.
Throughout the year the men of the church plan, organize or support activities for the greater benefit of the community.
Organization for the annual HomeFront Day–refurbishing a home for a qualifying family in Bridgeport
Support for the Breakfast Run–feeding homeless men and women in New York City
Serving meals for the Parenting Program at St. Josephs
Hosting the annual Father’s Day All Church Picnic
Every year, there is a Cornfield Men’s Retreat Weekend that typically takes place in the Spring.
All men are also welcome to join a weekly Covenant Group. If interested, please contact Rev. Carter Via ccartervia@gmail.com.