Dear Friends,
On Sunday, we will celebrate Commitment Sunday at the Talmadge Hill Church.
Commitment is a deep word. It points to other words like persistence, steadfastness, loyalty. In my opinion, God doesn’t want us to be committed for commitment’s sake. There isn’t much value in being miserably committed. It’s not a badge of honor.
In some cases, commitment can be reduced to doing the right thing. Taking care of an aging parent seems to be the right thing to do whether you like it or not. But in many other cases, commitment should be reserved for those relationships and causes where mutual satisfaction, growth and enjoyment take place. Commitment helps to protect those relationships and causes. Commitment holds the center when feelings are threatened by impulse.
Commitment to a church is worthy of consideration. It provokes questions. Am I really committed to my spiritual journey? Is it a priority in my life or something less important? Does worship feed me? Does the community meet a real need in my life? Am I a better human being because of my faith and my relationship with church? Before Sunday, I would encourage all of us to consider, and then answer, these questions. Are you satisfied with your answers? If so, awesome. If not, what are you prepared to do to make the necessary changes.
Obviously, my hope is that your relationship with the Talmadge Hill Community Church is deeply satisfying, nourishing, and at least some of the time enjoyable. My hope is that you are receiving from us some measure of comfort, encouragement and grace. And perhaps most importantly, I hope you are getting a perspective on life that you might not get anywhere else.
If so, please commit yourselves once again to this perfectly imperfect community of faith. Your commitment holds the center. Your commitment protects our legacy. Your commitment begets the next chapter in our story.