Dear Friends,
Who doesn’t love a good plot twist in a story? Whether your genre is rom-coms, crime, mystery, fantasy, drama or sci-fi, plot twists keep us on our feet and remind us that our assumptions must always be examined for a deeper truth.
The story of faith is no different. We all have our own comfortable, familiar path of faith that we trod, yet life always throws in plot twists that make us question whether the person we think we are or the faith that we are living is authentic. We aren’t the only ones in history who feel this way. While most of us only get our Biblical stories in small snippets, the great narrative of scripture consistently puts improbable people and unimaginable plot twists in our way to challenge our perception of faith and its role in our life. Often these plot twists are filled with metaphor, symbolism and paradoxes that reveal deeper truths about our humanity, the world we inhabit and the faith we practice.
The story of Jesus is not a story of a narrow path to faith for people who are compliant. It is a story of wonderfully imperfect people who find new ways to relate to themselves and their relationship with God.
Come this week to explore some great plot twists and the ironies that they reveal about faith and our most important relationships. We all have something to learn and we all have new ways to expand the lived experience of faith.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!