Sunday, November 3, 2024

Dear Friends,

As you crunch the leaves under your feet (and, perhaps, a leftover Kit-Kat bar from Halloween), take some time to notice the holiness of this season.  Yes, Holiness. Cultures around the world have celebrated this week on the calendar as a liminal time in the year where heaven and earth are closer than ever. How do we celebrate this holiness?
This weekend we join Christians all around the world as we celebrate All Saints Day.  Of course, we do it in the most wonderfully Talmadge Hill way, where we lift up the saints in our midst and our lives. Think of all the people who have sustained you and brought you to this moment. Some remain in our midst and others are only memories. Yet all of these saints have somehow blessed our earthly lives by helping us open up to God’s grace by their words, deeds and example.
Our church is a delightful historic church whose splendor is in its simplicity. We don’t have stained glass windows honoring the saints of old. Rather, our color and our magnificence come from the people and lives we celebrate inside. We look forward to lifting up all of our saints – living and dead – whose lives bring grace to ours every day. Your presence and your spirit will only add to this.  Please join us on Sunday.