Dear Friends,
I have lately been musing on the question of ‘what has the biggest claim on my life’. Is it my work? Is it my primary relationships? Is it my persona or public image? Is it my political leanings? Is it my religion?
For sure, a variety of things has shaped and continues to shape my life. They have EACH contributed to and influenced my identity. But I am dissatisfied more and more with labels. I am less and less interested in self-defining as white, or well-educated, or Southern, or American, or Democrat, or religious.
I want to be associated with the community of people who care about the heart and will of God. Perhaps one cannot easily know the will of God. But I believe a long train of spiritual teachers across religious divides lifts up the essential goodness and giftedness of life. This declaration of the benevolence of LIFE (God) is a center point, an anchor, and a north star. It is to be celebrated and protected. For the alternative is of course fear, anxiety, cynicism and negativity. We live in that space easily.
What has the biggest claim on my life? I want to answer boldly, “The heart and the will of God.” I want to add my confession, “I am letting go of running my life in pursuit of comfort, security, approval, success, or rightness.” I want to say, “I am living into the call to surrender to a Presence that is bigger, more interesting, and more transformative.”
Let’s call it life in the Spirit. In Paul’s language, it is the great invitation to patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I want all of these to live in my heart.
Please join us on Sunday morning to hear about the fruits of the Spirit and reconsider what needs to have the biggest claim on your life.