
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ~ John 1:5

Talmadge Hill is an active community of neighbors fulfilling our mission to Know the Love of God and Share it. Grounded in the Christian tradition, we stand as an inclusive place where ALL are invited to participate regardless of orientation or belief.  Our music is creative and inspiring.  Our teaching and preaching is authentic and relevant. And always, we seek to reach beyond the walls of complacency to respond compassionately to suffering and need. We are excited to share our vision as a committed community of faith.

Our Sunday morning worship service is at 10:00am. Sermons are recorded and available via the audio link below shortly thereafter.

See GATHERINGS below for upcoming events and regular programming.

Lead Minister Search Process: We are embarking on a search for our new Lead Minister. If you know someone, or have an interest in the role yourself, we would love to hear from you! Please click on the links for a complete Position Description, Church Profile, and Cover Letter (if you are sharing the opportunity). You may direct all inquiries to Julie Kahn, Search Committee Co-Chair, at: jkahn.kw@gmail.com. A full application should include (1) a cover letter (2) resume/ denominational profile and (3) links to a recent video sermon or other relevant public address.

Pastoral Care: If you or someone you know is in need of caring support, please let us know: 203-966-2314 or Talmadgehillchurch@gmail.com

If you are looking for a country church for your wedding, we are respectful and welcoming of couples from varied faith traditions or none at all.  We do not discriminate in any way.


Current service audio recordings available here.

Current service audio recordings available here.

Learn More

Follow our calendar, and contact us to learn more about Talmadge Hill Community Church

A place of belonging, participation and service.


Members login to your personal profile, and make donations by clicking Giving

A tangible spirit of beauty and warmth — All are welcome!

Pastoral Care

Are you going through a difficult time? 



Look for location or login information in your weekly emails.

Bible Study: Thursdays at 9:30-11:00am at Talmadge Hill and with a Zoom connection.

Contemplative Prayer in Community: Wednesdays at 5:00-6:00pm via Zoom.

Sunday School | Godly Play: Every Sunday, during the 10:00am service.

Men’s Cornfield: First Saturday of the month @ 8:00am.

Women's Circle: Saturday, March 1 @ 10:00am at Talmadge Hill.

Adult Ed Workshop | Forgiveness, Our Greatest Resource: Saturday, March 8 at 9:30am-12:00pm at Talmadge Hill.